Prayer is the nearest approach to God|| Amos Moktan



Most things in your life are accomplished through prayer, and to put it simply, prayer is about communicating with God.
For example: In the current situation, many people do not want to be away without a mobile ???
Similarly, even if it is a normal mobile or iPhone, if there is not charged and if you don't charge, it is useless when you charge the mobile. We get to listen to videos, games, and songs and can do more things on the phone.

My Dear friends, yes you and my life are like a mobile. You have to be in charge every day, and we get energy in our daily activities, the charge is a prayer in our Life. Most people only remember and pray to the Lord when they need something, which is wrong.

And I just want to say that you and my life are like a mobile phone that needs to be charged just as much as prayer is needed in our lives which makes you and my relationship with God even closer.

तपाइको जिबनमा धेरै जसो कुराहरु प्राथनाद्वारा नै पुरा हुने गर्छन् र सरल तरिकाले भन्नु पर्दा प्राथना भनेको नै परमेश्वोरसंग बातचित गर्नु हो।
उदारणको लागि: अहिलेको आवस्थामा धेरै जना व्यक्तिहरु मोबाइल बिना टाढा हुन चाहदैनौ??? त्यसरी नै एउटा सामान्य मोबाइल अथवा आइ-फोन नै किन नहोस येदि तेस्मा चार्ज छैन र गरेनौ भने बेकामको हुन्छ र जब मोबाइल चार्ज गर्छौ। हामीले भिडियो, गेम्स, गीत सुन्ने र अरु कुराहरु गर्न पाउछ।

प्रिय, हो तपाई र मेरो जिन्दगी पनि मोबाइल जस्तै हो। तपाई हरेक दिन चार्ज हुनु पर्छ, र हाम्रो हरेक दिनको कामहरुमा उर्जा मिल्छ र चार्ज हुनु भनेको चै प्राथना हो।

प्राय मानिसहरु केहि कुराको खाँचो पर्दा मात्र प्रभु सम्जिने र प्राथना गर्ने हुन सक्छ, जुन चै गलत ह। र म येही भन्न चाहन्छु कि तपाई अनि मेरो जिन्दगी एउटा मोबाइल फोन जस्तै हो मोबिललाई चार्ज चाहिएको जसरि नै हाम्रो जिबनमा प्राथना अति आवस्यकता छ जुन कुराले तपाई र मेरो सम्बन्ध परमेश्वोरसंग झनै घनिष्ठ हुन्छ।

#“Prayer is the nearest approach to God.”
#“प्रार्थना भनेको परमेश्वरसित नजिक हुनु हो।”

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Stay Blessed & Be Blessed
Amos Moktan

Amos Moktan

Who Is Amos Moktan????? The person who Love to Walk in Faith More than expectation. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I am so much inspire and so much encourage with this verse in my life. “Living in Faith: Walking with the divine love of God.”

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