Satanic Church (Their practices, doctrine and beliefs)


This paper gives the information about the Satanic Church, Occult. This paper includes the background of the Satanic Church, their practices, doctrine and beliefs. This paper clears the readers that it is the one of the cult groups who follows the principles, doctrine beyond the theological term.

History/Background of Satanic Church

The First Satanic Church is an organization founded by Karla LaVey on October 31, 1997, in San Francisco, California, that is dedicated to LaVey Satanism as codified by Anton LaVey in The Satanic Bible. The church's stated mission is to carry on the inheritance of Anton LaVey through "the study of Satanism and the occult sciences”.

The bible says that he is a very real personage of spirit is called Satan. It says that he is the serpent of old and that he is out to deceive the whole world. (Revelation 12:9) so the devil is real and he has a strategy to bring each of us to destruction. The bible warns us: (Ephesians 6:11, 12)

Satanic Church Beliefs:

o  Prayer is useless; it distracts people from useful activity.

o Ritual killing (of humans or animals) violates satanic principles. Blood drawn from a victim is useless. Victims are killed symbolically, not actually.

o They practice with joy all the seven deadly Christian sins (greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust and sloth)

o If a man smites you on one cheek, smash him on the other.

o Do unto others as they do onto you.

o Engage in sexual activity freely, in accordance with your needs (which may be best realized either through monogamy, or by having sex with many others; through heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality; using sexual fetishes as you wish; by yourself or with one or more consenting adults).

o Suicide is actively discouraged.

·   They believe Heaven and Hell do not exist.

Satan’s Ancestry

Young people are getting more involved in satanic activities than ever before. Drug abuse, sexual abuse, seeking new kinds of energy and personal control through satanic activity. They believe that Satan will give them power or dominion over their lives and over the lives of those around them. They immerse themselves in heavy metal and acid rock music. Some of the Groups? AC/DC, Iron maiden, Black Sabbath, Anthrax, Mega Death, Metallica etc. Black Metal music is not just ordinary music.

Satanic Symbols

It is incredible what occult jewelry young people are wearing, such as earrings or medallions of the inverted pentagram, the upside-down five pointed star with the goat’s head in the center. It is truly a Satanic Symbol. The peace symbol, the inverted broken cross, has become a symbol that Satanists are now wearing the up-side down cross of Christ with broken arms. Signifying the defeat of Christianity.


The term “Occult” comes from the Latin term occults, which refers to hidden or secrets things. It refers specially to the incursion of a fourth dimension, a spirit realm, into our three-dimensional world. It is estimated that 50 to 60 million Americans are involved in some form of occult and read their horoscopes every morning to see what they should do that day and in Nepal too.  People are involved in all type of the occult: fortune-telling the use of tarot cards, palmistry, and numerology. Some of the occults are mentioned below:


The largest of the occult today is astrology, which is based upon the supposed 12 houses of the Zodiac and based upon the time of our birth. The position of the planets, the stars, the sun, and moon which are used to calculate future events and cycles of good or bad, based upon the astrologist’s interpretation.


It is also called channeling, in which a channeler is taken over by a controlled spirit bringing some new age wisdom.

Fortune- telling

God speaks clearly about the area of fortune-telling. Modern-day prophets and prophetesses claim to predict the events to come in your life and in nation. But God in His word gives us two tests to determine a true prophet. First one test is in Deuteronomy 18:20-22, so we should testify if it is true or not?  So the Hebrew prophets of Old Testament were 100% accurate when they spoke from God, or they were stoned to death. God warns us of this in Ezekiel 13:3, 6-9 Second test is Deuteronomy 13:1-5



In this way, Jesus warned us about the last days, we would see the coming of many false prophets and false Christ. Satan is finite created being, a mere fallen angel.  Satan is liar, that is the lie that got Lucifer cast out of Heaven. The Satanic Church & Occults are Cult group, This group encourage to love Satan and Satanism. This cult group is against the Bible. So do not make the mistake of considering God and Satan as equal or almost equal. Satan is not equal to God. God alone is OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS.


Ron Carlson, Ed Decker, Fast Facts on False Teachings (America: Harvest House Publishers, 1994), 246. 

Ron Carlson, Ed Decker, Fast Facts on False Teachings (America: Harvest House Publishers, 1994), 238.

Ron Carlson, Ed Decker, Fast Facts on False Teachings (America: Harvest House Publishers, 1994), 241-242.

Amos Moktan

Who Is Amos Moktan????? The person who Love to Walk in Faith More than expectation. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I am so much inspire and so much encourage with this verse in my life. “Living in Faith: Walking with the divine love of God.”

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